Award-Winning PRAXIS Courses & Classes in Phoenix, AZ

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If the teaching certification that you're pursuing requires you to take a Praxis test, you may benefit from a Phoenix Praxis prep course. Varsity Tutors can enroll you in a course that's right for you. Whether you're getting ready for the Praxis Core test or a specific Praxis Subject Assessment, we can help. No matter where you're studying, be that Grand Canyon University, Arizona State University's Downtown Phoenix Campus, or another area school, there is a course that addresses your needs. You'll be instructed by an expert Praxis prep teacher in an online classroom, so you can access a guided Praxis review course easily.

What material will a Phoenix Praxis course cover?

Praxis tests are used by many states as part of the teacher certification process, and the version of the test you'll take depends on your goals. The Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators test, or the Praxis Core, is intended to assess fundamental academic skills and is usually taken by incoming students in teacher preparation programs. It's broken up into three tests: Reading, Writing, and Mathematics, which you can take either as a single comprehensive test or in three parts across several days. Each of the three sections is fairly straightforward: Reading will ask you to analyze documents, Writing will require you to demonstrate your ability to write explanatory and argumentative texts, and Mathematics will cover a variety of math skills like geometry and probability.

If you're taking the Praxis Subject Assessment test, things look a little different. Depending on the subject you're planning to teach, the Praxis Subject Assessment you'll take can vary a lot, but you'll generally be asked to show an understanding of the concepts and content knowledge required to teach a particular subject, through a combination of multiple-choice and written response questions. Principles of Learning and Teaching tests fall under this category as well; these tests will assess your teaching abilities at either the Early Childhood, the K-6, the 5-9, or the 7-12 grade level. There's also a specialized Praxis Elementary Education: Content Knowledge for Teaching test that's a mix of the two, testing both your subject knowledge and your pedagogical skills when it comes to teaching at the elementary level.

How can a Phoenix Praxis course help me learn all this?

As there are so many versions of the Praxis test, it can be hard to figure out exactly what you'll be expected to know on the test, regardless of which version you're taking. Many of these tests have a very generalized scope as well, which can make it difficult to make a study plan and to know how to spend your time as you prepare. A Phoenix Praxis course will give you the direction that you may need. You'll follow a curriculum taught by an experienced Praxis test prep instructor who can give you feedback as you work so that you can stay on track. Your instructor may choose to break the classroom up for group discussions and activities, too, which can be a great way to connect with a diverse group of prospective teachers. Collaborative work of this sort has been shown to improve learner outcomes, both in knowledge acquisition and long-term information retention, and helping your classmates come to grips with difficult material can aid you in developing your skills. You'll also be able to request individual help from your instructor, so if you're finding certain concepts particularly difficult, you can get back up to speed.

The online format of a Phoenix Praxis class offers some distinct advantages. First off, you'll still be able to freely interact with your classmates and teacher thanks to a video chat platform that will allow you to see, hear, and speak with the class. This means that your virtual classroom can function much as a traditional classroom might, while offering more flexibility in a variety of ways. You won't have to worry about incorporating a new commute into your life, which can save you both time and money and makes attendance a breeze. This also means you'll have control over your own learning environment, so you can find a study space that feels comfortable, productive, and free of distractions. There are a variety of class meeting times available, so even if your schedule is particularly demanding, you can find a class that suits your needs.

How can I get enrolled?

If you reach out to Varsity Tutors today, you can speak with one of our educational consultants who can find a Phoenix Praxis class that's right for you and get you signed up painlessly. You'll also be able to find out more about what you'll experience in one of these classes. New classes are starting on a rolling monthly basis, so the Praxis prep class that you're looking for might be right around the corner. Give us a call, and you can be pursuing success on the Praxis test faster than you expect.

Contact us today to connect with a top Phoenix PRAXIS instructor