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Award-Winning TEFL - Teaching English as a Foreign Language Certification Training in Denver, CO

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If you are planning on a career that involves teaching English to foreign speakers, Varsity Tutors can help you locate a Denver TEFL certification course that allows you to have a comprehensive review before you sit for the TEFL exam. Also known as the Teaching English as a Foreign Language exam, this certification is the first step to teaching foreign students, and is required if you are working in a foreign country since they will want proof of your abilities to teach.

The TEFL does not require a college degree. However, you will at least need a high school diploma, proficiency in English skills, and the ability to complete university-level work that includes reading, homework, quizzes, and a practicum. The amount of time spent on the TEFL can vary, particularly if you plan to go overseas to teach and need to be accredited by international standards. They usually require at least 100 hours of coursework and 6-20 of practicum, but again, it can depend on which program you're going through. Some of the questions you'll handle on the exam deal with everything from how to plan lessons based on your student's needs to building useful learning materials. For individuals who have limited teaching experience, this can provide you with useful information on how to structure classes.

While you may have already learned a lot from either work experiences or through studying at a school such as the University of Denver, you may see questions on the test that you might not have dealt with. In your Denver TEFL certification class, you'll have the benefit of learning from an instructor who is knowledgeable about the latest format of the TEFL and the types of questions that are on it. Your instructor can offer exercises to help test and reinforce your current knowledge, and give lectures that allow you to ask questions and expand your knowledge of teaching English. You can meet and have lively discussions with your classmates who have the same goal. Reviewing alongside your peers can help you gain a different perspective on teaching English to foreign students, and what others have had success with during their experiences. If you need additional support outside of class, you can contact your instructor and arrange one-on-one time together.

Whether you need certification to continue in a current role or you want to leverage new career opportunities, we understand that your schedule is likely already busy with personal and professional commitments. That's why the TEFL certification courses are conducted online. New courses are offered every month, so you can easily start soon. The courses have two-week and four-week sessions, allowing you to choose the length of your studies. Classes have different sections, which are offered on different days and at varying times. You can select from a variety of different times and days to meet your needs – it's all about your schedule and what will work best for you.

Because your Denver TEFL certification training takes place online, you can cut out the commute and study from somewhere that is convenient for you. This could be from the privacy of your home, your office, or even somewhere public such as a coffeehouse or library.

Whatever your goals in teaching English may be, earning your certification can be a start in the right direction. Each task you complete on the test can help you in teaching students in the future, so it makes sense to invest in a trustworthy and complete course. Reach out to the educational consultants at Varsity Tutors today, and find out how you can get started with Denver TEFL certification training soon.

Contact us today to connect with a top Denver TEFL - Teaching English as a Foreign Language instructor