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Award-Winning CompTIA A+ Certification Training in Cleveland, OH

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If you're an IT professional planning to take the CompTIA A+ certification, a Varsity Tutors Cleveland CompTIA A+ certification training course can be an excellent test prep choice. The CompTIA A+ certificate proves that you have the foundational skills and knowledge needed to provide technical support services such as troubleshooting network issues, installing operating systems, and IT security. With a CompTIA A+ certificate, you can land a better job, negotiate a higher salary, and increase your credibility as an IT technician.

In the Cleveland CompTIA A+ certification course, you can become more familiar with the content and format of the test. The CompTIA A+ certification test has two 90-minute exams with 90 questions each. The topics for the first exam include hardware, mobile devices, networking technology, virtualization and cloud computing, and network troubleshooting. For the second exam, the topics are installing and configuring operating systems, software troubleshooting, operational procedures, and expanded security. It's recommended you have 9 to 12 months of hands-on experience in the lab or field before you take the certification.

Enrolling in the Cleveland CompTIA A+ certification training offers several advantages that can help you in your test prep. The course is led by a knowledgeable instructor who can give detailed explanations and conduct discussions about the different skills and concepts that will be included in the test. Working with an expert mentor can make your review more effective since you have someone to turn to if you have any questions about a topic. If you need to clarify things about the different types of networks and connections including TCP/IP, WIFI and SOHO, or if you have questions about the basics of scripting, virtualization, desktop imaging, and deployment, you can ask your instructor. You don't have to spend time or slow down in your studies just because you need to look for an answer. You can get the answers from a reliable source and improve your skills faster compared to studying by yourself.

Besides helping you with the content and answering your questions, your instructor can also help you learn different test-taking techniques that can boost your performance on exam day. For example, your instructor can train you on how to spot question traps and narrow down your choices in a multiple-choice question by quickly eliminating incorrect answers.

You can complete the test prep course entirely online, which means you can focus on your studies because you don't need to worry about an extra commute in your schedule. You'll study using our Live Learning Platform where you log in to meet your teacher and other CompTIA A+ certification applicants. All you need is your internet connection and you can participate in the course. It's up to you where you would like to set-up your study area. You can have lessons from home or from your office. Some reviewers also take their lessons while in their favorite coffee shop or in a library such as Shaker Heights Public Library or the Cleveland Public Library - Main Library.

If you are interested in starting your CompTIA A+ certification training, reach out to our educational consultants and we can find a Cleveland CompTIA A+ certification class that suits your schedule. We offer a wide range of course times throughout the day. You can study in the morning or evening if you are a full-time employee. We also have weekend courses if you're only available during weekends. You can choose between our two-week and four-week courses and choose which section you would like to enroll in. New sections open monthly, so you can easily enroll in the section you prefer.

Contact us today to connect with a top Cleveland CompTIA A+ instructor