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Award-Winning TESOL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Certification Training in Charlotte, NC

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Varsity Tutors can offer anyone interested in teaching English as a second language or as a foreign language a Charlotte TESOL certification course, where you'll get a complete review of pedagogical concepts that you'll need to master to run a successful ESL or EFL classroom. TESOL, otherwise known as "teaching English to speakers of other languages," is a blanket term used to describe anyone who teaches English to non-native speakers. The TESOL International Association is an organization that offers membership to qualifying professionals in these fields and provides support in a variety of ways. If you complete a TESOL certificate program you'll gain access to workshops and online courses delivered by leading voices in the English-teaching community, as well as resources like a bank of lesson plans and activities and the TESOL Online Career Center, a job placement program. While earning a certificate through this organization doesn't give you the authority to teach English on its own, it can be a stepping stone to new career opportunities. Plus, as the skills that you'll develop on your way to TESOL membership overlap significantly with those that you'll have to show to become licensed to teach, a supplementary training course can be a great investment in your future.

The prerequisites to enter the TESL or TEFL workforce differ depending on where you'd like to teach. Those who'd like to teach ESL domestically will have to abide by their state's licensing requirements, while those you'd like to teach EFL internationally will have to look to the requirements of programs in their desired country of employment. A four-year degree from a school like Winthrop University, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, or another college is often required, although not always. Regardless of your goals, you'll have to develop a knowledge of curriculum planning, teaching techniques for English reading, writing, and speaking; language proficiency assessment, presentation and evaluation of lesson plans, and much more, and Charlotte TESOL certification training can offer assistance.

You'll be placed in an online classroom where you'll be taught by an expert in English language instruction, who can deliver lectures on fundamental pedagogical concerns. You can also work collaboratively with classmates under the direction of your instructor, like designing curricula and classroom materials with your peers. Cooperative work of this sort is effective in promoting knowledge acquisition and retention. You can also engage in class discussions, so you can get new perspectives on tricky subjects like classroom management, dealing with disruptive behavior, or catering to different learning styles, drawing on the diverse experiences that your classmates bring to the table. Your instructor will be available for meetings outside of class as well, where you can raise questions about the material you're struggling with and get issues cleared up.

Charlotte TESOL certification training is provided entirely online through our video chat platform, which allows you to get a face-to-face learning experience from wherever is most convenient for you. As commuting to and from a traditional classroom can chew up a ton of time, online study can make squeezing a class into your busy schedule much easier, allowing you to get the support you need in a more accommodating fashion. There are a range of class times on offer, as well as both two-week and four-week class sections, so you can find something that suits your needs.

If you give Varsity Tutors a call today our educational consultants can find a Charlotte TESOL certification class that matches your availability and get you enrolled hassle-free. New classes are starting every month, so the class that's right for you might be coming up soon. Reach out now to take a step towards striving for excellence in EFL and ESL instruction.

Contact us today to connect with a top Charlotte TESOL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages instructor