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A photo of Nicholas, a tutor from Saint Mary's University of Minnesota


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I am a recent graduate of the University of Minnesota with a B.A. in political science. I also have an extensive background in writing, editing, and journalism. The intersection of journalism and politics is where I particularly thrive, but I'll be happy to help with anything ranging from basic civics and government, to editing essays, to helping students understand collegiate-level political science. In my spare time, I enjoy skiing, kayaking, making electronic music, and gaming.

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Nicholas’ Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Saint Mary's University of Minnesota - Bachelor of Science, Political Science and Government


Politics, journalism, music production, skiing, kayaking, and gaming are my favorite interests and hobbies.

Tutoring Subjects


College English



Essay Editing


Graduate Test Prep

High School English

High School Government

High School Writing


LSAT Argumentative Writing

Social Studies


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