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Certified Tutor

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I am a certified teacher with a BSEd from Abilene Christian University. I have been teaching and tutoring students, grades K-8, for 25 years. Reading, Writing, and English Language Arts are my favorite subjects, so those are the subjects I choose to teach and tutor.

I have training and experience with students of all learning levels. I also have a special needs child of my own, so I understand the needs of students from a teacher's and a parent's standpoint.

I believe that the greatest success comes when children are allowed to move at their own pace, taking time to strengthen their skills and reinforce their successes as they learn. I love working with students, helping them improve their skills, making them see that everyone is someone and every someone can succeed!

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Polly’s Qualifications


My hobbies are reading, writing, and gardening. I also like to keep pretty flowers growing in the flowerbeds around our home. I live on a farm, so I love nature and am very interested in crops and animals. I am also interested in the quest for a cure for Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing

Elementary Social Studies


Learning Differences


Middle School English

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Science

Middle School Social Studies

Middle School Writing


Social Studies

Special Education

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


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