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A photo of Ciara, a tutor from University of Central Florida


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I am passionate about assisting students reach their highest potential in the class room while building academic confidence in the process. I am a senior at the University of Central Florida with a passion for writing and all forms of communications. I obtained an Associate of Arts degree from Seminole State College of Florida where I fine tuned my knowledge of social science and language arts.

I primarily tutor all grade levels in reading, writing, social studies, as well as AP Art History, and other essay focused advanced placement courses and exams. My favorite subject to tutor is writing and language arts of any grade level. Becoming a strong writer is imperative in school and in life.

My tutoring style is all about meeting students where they're at by building on strengths and improving areas of struggle. Providing tools to build a students confidence is what leads to big changes in the classroom.

When I'm not tutoring I am watching my favorite animes and cooking delicious meals to share with friends. I am also a student and can understand the importance of working and studying hard to achieve my goals and dreams!

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Ciara’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Central Florida - Bachelor in Arts, Communication, General


In my free time I love watching anime and cartoons! I'm also an artist and make resin and clay charms into jewelry. I enjoy reading fiction books and hanging out with friends and my three cats.

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


Essay Editing

Expository Writing

Fiction Writing

High School English

High School Writing


Middle School

Middle School English

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing




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