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I was in education for over two decades. From my initial interest in tutoring during my studies in Spain to tutoring adults at a local community college in Dallas to eventually embarking on a life as an overseas professor in South Korea, I have always been a passionate educator who enjoys every aspect of teaching and in helping students both young and old reach their potential in their targeted areas. Being a lifelong learner myself, I have recently pivoted to a career in cybersecurity where I work as a cybersecurity analyst. I am proof that one is never too old to pursue their interests, and I am happily learning daily about the never-ending rabbit holes of exploration that exist in the world both defensive and offensive cybersecurity.

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Armando’s Qualifications


In my free time, I am a voracious reader and aspiring photographer. In my younger years, I was a very dedicated martial artist, but now, I mostly enjoy the beauty of small things and particularly enjoy travel and spending time with my wife and our 5 furry family members that include 4 doodles and one old cat.

Tutoring Subjects

4th Grade ELA (in Spanish)

5th Grade ELA (in Spanish)


Beginner Spanish (Grades 4-5)

Beginner Spanish (Grades 6-8)

Beginner Spanish for Adults

College English


Conversational Spanish

Cyber Security

Elementary School English


English Grammar and Syntax


Essay Editing

Expository Writing

High School English

High School Writing

Intermediate Spanish for Adults


Middle School English

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing





Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Technology and Coding


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