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A photo of Taufeeque, a tutor from Milwaukee School of Engineering


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Before I liked biochemistry, I was more into mathematics. So, how did I get interested in PhD.? Well, if you had met me 5 years ago, my answer would have been a strong No. But during the year 2014-2015, it was my Senior Design project that sparked that light of curiosity in my head about biochemistry. I was working with microalgae, and the work fascinated me towards biological pathways. This made my choice for PhD. much easier. When I got into PhD program, my focus of study was clear. I joined this group that has synthesized several anticancer drugs. And to learn about the drugs interaction with cellular pathways, that leads to its anticancer effect was itself very interesting and worth exploring.

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Taufeeque’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Milwaukee School of Engineering - Bachelor of Science, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Graduate Degree: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee - Doctor of Philosophy, Chemistry


Horseback riding, swimming, pool, soccer, hiking, driving and many more!

Tutoring Subjects


Biomedical Engineering

Cell Biology



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