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A photo of Samantha, a tutor from University of Arizona


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I received a Bachelor of Science in Animal Sciences from the University of Arizona in 2015.

In 2020 I finished my Master of Science in Biology.

I began my career in education in 2016 as a long term substitute. That year I covered for 8th grade science and math, and 7th grade ELL for about six weeks each.

The following two years I taught 6th and 7th general science.

I then moved on to teaching high school. My first year as a high school teacher I taught Earth and Space Science at the freshmen level. The second year I moved on to teach both Biology, and Anatomy & Physiology.

I have a passion for helping students succeed and always want to know what learning style is best for each student so I can plan lessons that are beneficial.

My favorite subject over all is anything Biology related. Within biology I am passionate about anything relating to the medical field.

My current plan is to return to school for nursing. I am well educated in anatomy and physiology, nutrition, microbiology, cellular and molecular biology and genetics. I do have experience teaching Ecology, Astronomy, and Geology as well.

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Samantha’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Arizona - Bachelor of Science, Animal Sciences

Graduate Degree: Grand Canyon University - Master of Science, Biology, General


I am a huge nerd and love anything comic book, anime or Harry Potter related. I also enjoy Doctor Who, and Star Wars. I was a band geek when I was in school. I played flute from 5th-12th grade, but also picked up piccolo, saxophone and piano in high school.

Tutoring Subjects

Anatomy & Physiology


Earth Science

High School Biology

Life Sciences

Middle School

Middle School Science


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