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A photo of Sofia, a tutor from North Carolina State University at Raleigh


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Current NCSU Engineering Student pursuing a Bachelors in Chemical Engineering with a concentration in Nanoscience. I am driven by my balanced mindset, strong work ethic and creative hobbies. I am a well rounded student with a passion for STEM, helping others, and the performing arts. My goal is to help other students become independent learners and reignite their passions for learning and discover what specific study habits and other academic skills works best for them.

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Sofia’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: North Carolina State University at Raleigh - Bachelor of Science, Chemical Engineering


My spirit animal - The Niffler (from fantastic beasts) as I love to collect all sorts of shiny or cool looking objects. Think of Tinkerbell with all of her lost things. I also have many plants and I also have a dog named Peppermint. I love to cook for me and my roommates, especially Spanish, Italian and Asian inspired foods.

Tutoring Subjects

AP Chemistry


Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Chemical Engineering


College Chemistry


General Chemistry 2

IB Chemistry


Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry 2




Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

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