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A photo of Ash, a tutor from University of Utah


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I recently graduated from the University of Utah with a bachelors degree in math, and I spent the majority of my four years there working in the math tutoring center. I loved being able to work one-on-one with students and see their growth as they started to understand the material. I strongly believe that understanding concepts is just as important as being able to work out technical problems, and that all students (regardless of perceived mathematical intelligence) have the ability to do so. I also understand how mathematics functions to gatekeep some students from certain majors and jobs later in life, and it is my hope that I can help provide access to these majors and jobs for the students whom I tutor.

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Ash’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Utah - Bachelor of Science, Mathematics

Test Scores

ACT Composite: 34

ACT English: 35

ACT Math: 36

ACT Reading: 33

ACT Science: 36

GRE: 332

GRE Quantitative: 170

GRE Verbal: 162


Reading fantasy and science fiction novels, climbing, volunteering in my community, and spending time with my cat.

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