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A photo of Cameron, a tutor from Colorado College


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I graduated from Colorado College (top 25 LAC) in May of 2020 with a degree in Political Economy and a minor in Math, after attending on a full scholarship. I will be starting an MS in Data Science at Georgetown in the Fall. I've recently served as a high school fellowship coordinator on major political campaigns and before that served as a volunteer coordinator. I am very passionate about teaching math as it is something I struggled with before achieving a high level of mastery. But I am also quite capable at instructing in English, Government, Economics, and general writing. I would say I am the type of tutor who works through challenges with students instead of for them.

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Cameron’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Colorado College - Bachelor in Arts, Political Economy


Creative writing, Go, and Reading are my go-to pastimes.

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