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A photo of Ahnashalo, a tutor from Temple University


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For the past 6 years, I have dedicated my time and energy to helping others learn new things. I have always loved being apart of a student's growth in a skill or self-confidence.
I received my undergraduate degree from Temple University for Music Education and am certified to teach in the state of Philadelphia. Throughout my own education, I have tutored and taught K-8 in math, English, music, and STEAM in large group classes and one on one sessions.
All students have the ability to improve their skills and themselves. My mission is to facilitate their learning and improvement, through observation and thorough assessment of a student's needs.
I am flexible, funny, and dedicated to every student and subject that I teach. In my free time, I enjoy reading, swimming, and the odd DIY project.

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Ahnashalo’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Temple University - Bachelor in Arts, Music Teacher Education


Music Crocheting Arts & Crafts Swimming

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading



Middle School English

Middle School Reading


Music Theory




Professional Certifications



Vocal Training


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