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A photo of Ilar, a tutor from George Mason University


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I am a graduate of The University of Bologna and George Mason University. I received my Bachelor of Science in Finance and my Masters degree in International Management. Since graduation, I have traveled extensively, tutoring children and adults in Italy, France and China looking to improve their English (as I am a certified ESL instructor). While I tutor a broad range of subjects, I am most passionate about Foreign languages and Business. As a former HR Manager, I have had extensive experience working in a corporate environment as well. I am also a pursuing professional actress and filmmaker. I strongly believe that a rich education, be it academically or experienced, leaves a profound impact on one's life, opening doors for an enriched future. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, fitness, and spending time with my dogs.

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Ilar’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: George Mason University - Bachelor of Science, Finance

Graduate Degree: University of Bologna - Master of Science, International Business


Acting, theater, filmmaking, foreign languages, reading, fitness, volunteering,

Tutoring Subjects




Business Ethics

Conversational French

Conversational Italian



Essay Editing


French 1

French 2

French 3


High School Business

High School Geography

High School Writing





Performing Arts

Presentation Skills

Public Speaking

Social Studies

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


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