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A photo of Meredith, a tutor from University of Central Florida


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I believe in education through learning-centered institutions which gear efforts toward enhancing student comprehension of curriculum and enabling students to reach their highest potential in life. I employ a combination of short lectures, class discussions, group work activity, and motivational speaking in order to inspire student thinking and development. My goal as a college instructor is not only to instruct, but to encourage students to find their own sense of agency and motivate students to take independent action over their own lives. Student responsibility, equity, and inclusion are all fundamental elements apart of my teaching process and philosophy.

I received my Master's degree in Political Science at the University of Central Florida in 2010. During graduate school, I developed a strong passion for the political science discipline and thoroughly enjoy imparting this passion for politics and world events into teaching my classes. Bringing connection and genuine engagement into my classroom and in my one-on-one relationships with students over the years has made me both an effective teacher, mentor, and advisor to my students.

Outside of teaching and tutoring, I enjoy practicing yoga, playing guitar, working out with weights and moderate cardio, biking, reading, writing, and surfing.

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Meredith’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Central Florida - Bachelor in Arts, Political Science and Government

Graduate Degree: University of Central Florida - Master of Science, Political Science and Government


guitar, yoga, writing, reading, weight lifting, running, biking, surfing

Tutoring Subjects

Adult Literacy

American Literature

AP European History

Bass Guitar

College Political Science

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

European History


High School English

High School Level American Literature

High School World History

High School Writing

IB Geography

IB Global Politics

IB Philosophy

IB Social and Cultural Anthropology

IB Theory of Knowledge

IB World Religions

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing


Philosophical Ethics


Political Science


Public Speaking

Social Sciences

Social Studies

Spelling Bee

World History

World Religions


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