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A photo of Marissa, a tutor from University of Louisville


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I am a recent graduate of the University of Louisville. I received two BAs - one in Multilingual Interpreting and one in Asian Studies - as well as two certificates in other areas. I have extensive tutoring experience, ranging over many subject areas. I currently teach English to students in China via video call. I'm familiar with current school expectations for students, especially local curriculum, as well as college-level work. My favorite subjects to teach are languages - I speak 7, at varying levels of proficiency. I like to laugh and have fun, so I hope my students do, too!

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Marissa’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Louisville - Bachelor in Arts, Liberal Arts and Sciences


I love to read, study foreign languages, go hiking, and cuddle with my pet cat.

Tutoring Subjects


Business Writing

College English


English Grammar and Syntax


Essay Editing


High School English

High School Writing


Mandarin Chinese

Mandarin Chinese 1

Mandarin Chinese 2

Mandarin Chinese 3

Mandarin Chinese 4

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office

Middle School Writing



PC Basic Computer Skills



Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spanish 4


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