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A photo of Tyson, a tutor from University of Utah


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This September I took the exam and scored a 168 (top 4%). My diagnostic test score was a 152, and through a grueling self study I was able to familiarize myself with each section of the test. I read every instructional book I could get my hands on and even went through academic books on formal logic. Before the exam I took almost 50 practice tests under timed conditions and saw dramatic improvements in my scores (with consistency). The LSAT is absolutely learnable, and absolutely teachable. I hope to share what I've learned and help you make a similar jump in your scores. I know how stressful the exam is and I'm here to help you through the process!

I lived in China for almost 5 years and absolutely loved it! Having taken 2 years of Mandarin in college, I went to China with the goal of mastering all aspects of Mandarin (reading, writing, speaking, listening). Through perseverance and with the help of online resources I was able to do it. I even appeared on a talk show that was broadcast locally, sipping tea and talking to the host for a full hour in Mandarin (about Chinese society and culture). I am passionate about the language and am happy to share my knowledge with students. Mandarin is a complex and beautiful language with roots that stretch back thousands of years. Learning the language, and subsequently the culture, will enrich your life immensely. It's such a wonderful journey, I'll be glad to guide you through it. Even after years of dedicated study I still read and learn things all the time!

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Tyson’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Utah - Bachelor in Arts, Mass Communications

Test Scores

LSAT: 168


I like doing yoga and reading non-fiction in my spare time. I am an avid language learner and I am at a very advanced level of fluency in Mandarin and Brazilian Portuguese. Currently I am learning Spanish. The world is such a colorful and amazing place!

Tutoring Subjects


Conversational Mandarin



Graduate Test Prep



LSAT Analytical Reasoning

LSAT Argumentative Writing

LSAT Logical Reasoning

LSAT Reading Comprehension

Mandarin Chinese

Mandarin Chinese 1

Mandarin Chinese 2

Mandarin Chinese 3

Mandarin Chinese 4



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