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A photo of Liliana, a tutor from Central Connecticut State University


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I believe in a flexible manner of instruction, responsive to the unique needs of a given student. While conducting a lesson or leading practice, I quickly become aware of students academic needs. Every student, regardless of background, can improve his or her ability to listen to and understand vocabulary and sentences in a second language. In lectures, discussions, and assignments, I show that learning a second language responds to various modes of inquiry: analytic, hermeneutic, cultural, and historical; thus, students are led to explore the possibilities of each perspective, and to push beyond their own experience to expand their communication skills. In the end, I have enriched a students ability to listen to, think about, discuss, and communicate in a second language with a new awareness of its aesthetic and humanistic significance.

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Liliana’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Central Connecticut State University - Bachelor of Science, Adult and Continuing Education

Graduate Degree: Central Connecticut State University - Master of Arts, Foreign Language Teacher Education


Carpentry, gardening and reading

Tutoring Subjects

AP Spanish Literature and Culture

Conversational German

Conversational Italian

Conversational Spanish


German 1

German 2

German 3

German 4



Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spanish 4

Test Prep


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