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Hello!!! I am Paola, I was born in Colombia. My native language is Spanish, I am a production engineer and for 15 years I have been a Spanish teacher for children from two years old to adults. I teach Spanish from beginner level to conversation classes. I am a Spanish language evaluator for government agencies, companies, hospitals and airlines. I like to teach Spanish through fun classes where my students enjoy and learn at the same time. For me, being a teacher is more than a job, it is a passion, I feel happy to be able to share my language and culture and my greatest satisfaction is seeing the progress of my students. I also have extensive experience in preparing for Spanish exams such as CLEP and SAT. I assure you that you will have a fun class and you will learn to speak Spanish or improve your score. Don't forget to take a class with me, I assure you that I will help you and you will learn a lot.

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Paola’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Eafit - Bachelor of Engineering, Engineering and Industrial Management

Graduate Degree: EAFIT - Diploma of Engineering, Engineering and Industrial Management


Read, walk, watch movies, listen podcast.

Tutoring Subjects

CLEP Spanish

Conversational Spanish


SAT Subject Test in Spanish with Listening


Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spanish 4

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