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A photo of Candice, a tutor from North Georgia College & State University


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I believe that anyone can succeed, but those who go further in life are those that truly strive for greatness. I have learned from teaching in a public school that you cannot make students successful. They have to want it. If you are seeking a tutor, I believe you want to succeed and that's half the battle. My goal is to push students over that academic hump so they can be truly great!

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Candice’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: North Georgia College & State University - Bachelors, Middle Grades Education (math and science)

Graduate Degree: Brenau University - Masters, Middle Grades Science and Math


Hunting, fishing, crocheting, painting, softball

Tutoring Subjects


Elementary School Math

Elementary School Science


ISEE- Middle Level


Middle School Math

Middle School Science




SSAT- Middle Level

Test Prep

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