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A photo of Jerald, a tutor from University of Wisconsin-Madison


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I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in German and Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an MBA in International Management from the Thunderbird School of Global Management in Arizona. I spent one year studying at the University of Freiburg in Germany as part of UW's Junior Year Abroad program. At the graduate level, I studied advanced German for business use. I have spent most of my career working in the field of international trade, where I frequently used German and other languages to do internet research for the clients I served. Although I am now retired from that position, I continue to use German extensively to follow current events in the German-speaking world and for my own personal enrichment. I can honestly say that my knowledge of German has greatly influenced my life, opening doors to new opportunities that I would not have had otherwise. As a tutor, my goal is to pass on my knowledge of the German language so that it will have the same positive impact on the lives of my students. I am especially interested in imparting a practical knowledge of German to students who will then be able to use it in the "real world." This includes teaching students who have already started their careers and who are learning German in order to expand their professional opportunities. My teaching philosophy is that learning is an interactive process and I would encourage my students to take an active role towards achieving positive results. On a personal level, I enjoy listening to music (classical and oldies), traveling around the Midwest and to foreign countries, reading good books, and writing short fiction. I also like to learn languages myself and I am currently working on improving my knowledge of French and Spanish.

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Jerald’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Wisconsin-Madison - Bachelors, German and Economics

Graduate Degree: Thunderbird School of Global Management - Masters, International Management


Travel, languages, music, writing short stories

Tutoring Subjects

Conversational German


German 1

German 2

German 3

German 4


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