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A photo of Chanel, a tutor from Northern Arizona University


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I had the privilege of attending Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff in order to obtain my Master's degree in Psychology, with an emphasis in teaching. During the past two years, I have spent time developing my teaching and tutoring skills. I have taught several college courses and loved every minute of it. I was also able to spend two years as a private tutor, providing one-on-one assistance with writing and test taking preparation for a college student in Psychology. I am also my little sister???s unofficial Spanish tutor ??? she is a high school student currently taking Spanish 2. She likes the extra help from time to time, and I love practicing my Spanish (as well as the valuable time I get to spend with my sister!).
As a tutor, I am professional yet approachable and easy to talk to. I think it is important to be able to have a level of comfort in a tutoring relationship, and in this way learning thrives.
My tutoring philosophy consists of two major elements: Communication and productivity. It is important to me that the student is able to express his or her thoughts freely, and that each session is enjoyable. Sessions should also be productive ??? each meeting is worthwhile and things get done. To optimize learning, the student should play an active role in the learning process. This enhances learning by allowing the students themselves the opportunity to strengthen the connections in the brain that produce learning.
When I am not perfecting my tutoring skills, I find myself involved in music in some way. I play the drums and have been playing for ten years. I also like to play the piano, guitar, or any instrument I can get my hands on. Music is a big part of who I am. I would be happy to recommend Spanish musicians to any Spanish-learning students who share a love of music as well!
I best like spending my time talking and getting to know people ??? every person in this world has something unique and interesting to offer. Tutoring is a wonderful opportunity to do just that!

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Chanel’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Northern Arizona University - Bachelor of Science, Psychology

Graduate Degree: Northern Arizona University - Master of Arts, Teaching of Psychology



Tutoring Subjects

AP Psychology

College English

College Essays

Conversational Spanish


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

High School English

IB Psychology

IB Psychology HL

IB Psychology SL


Public Speaking


Social Sciences



Spanish 1

Spanish 2


Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

My tutoring philosophy consists of two major elements: Communication and productivity. It is important to me that the student is able to express his or her thoughts freely, and that each session is enjoyable. Sessions should also be productive -- each meeting is worthwhile and things get done. To optimize learning, the student should play an active role in the learning process. This enhances learning by allowing the students themselves the opportunity to strengthen the connections in the brain that produce learning.

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