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A photo of Shengnan, a tutor from Southwest Jiaotong University


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"To learn without thinking is labor in vain. To think without learning is desolation."
I received my Master's Degree of Education in TESOL from the University of Pennsylvania in May, 2012. I have various Chinese and English teaching/tutoring experience both in the United States and China. I have been a Chinese tutor for 2 years. Studnets love my class and parents say they learn more from me in ten weeks than the past 2 years. I value traditional Chinese culture and put some elements in my class. I wish that I can make Chinese learning as fun as possible!

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Shengnan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Southwest Jiaotong University - Bachelor in Arts, English

Graduate Degree: University of Pennsylvania - Master of Science, TESOL


Language learning and teaching; Travelling and cooking

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