Award-Winning CPA Test Prep in Syracuse, NY

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If you are searching for comprehensive Syracuse CPA Exam prep, Varsity Tutors can help you get started. There are "Three E's" that you need to complete in order to obtain your Certified Public Accounting (CPA) license. These are Education, Experience, and Examination. The Unified CPA Exam focuses on the concepts you need to understand in order to serve the public as an accountant. If you know where you intend to practice, you'll want to research if you need to take an ethics exam as well. When you study with an expert instructor, you may be able to get more out of your sessions than you might on your own.

What kind of topics can be covered in Syracuse CPA Exam prep?

The CPA Exam is administered by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA). There are four sections on this test: Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR); Regulation (REG); Business Environment and Concepts (BEC); and Auditing and Attestation (AUD). Each portion is taken separately with a four-hour time limit. You will have an 18-month window to pass all four sections of the test. The AUD, FAR, and REG sections contain two types of questions: multiple-choice and task-based simulation. The BEC portion offers the same two types as well as essay response questions.

Throughout Syracuse CPA Exam prep sessions, you can review the concepts covered on this test. You can gain a unique insight into the topics, whether you need to brush up on forming conclusions and reporting them or select financial statement accounts. Under the guidance of an expert instructor, you can work to develop your time management and test-taking skills through ample practice opportunities. For example, your instructor can introduce you to techniques that can help you quickly outline your essay response or eliminate incorrect answers from difficult multiple-choice questions.

What are the advantages of the two types of Syracuse CPA Exam prep?

There are two kinds of CPA Exam prep we can set you up with: online preparation courses and one-on-one instruction. Both opportunities allow you to study under the expert guidance of an instructor who has been in your shoes. There is a variety of perks associated with each. Many students base their decision on which option is most appealing to their learning preferences, though some students prefer to combine the two selections. Here, we will explore the advantages of each.

When you sign up for a Syracuse CPA Exam prep class, you can enjoy the camaraderie of working towards a common goal alongside your peers. Whether you are signed up for a class on the BEC section or any of the others, your instructor has a solid understanding of the material you need to know for the exam. An online class is hosted over our Live Learning Platform, where you can see, hear, and speak to your peers and instructor through the video chat feature. In addition, you can participate in in-class activities and collaborative lessons using the virtual whiteboard. Your class instructor might split you and your classmates into smaller groups for in-depth discussions about the difference between federal taxation of entities, individuals, and property transactions, among other concepts. If you have any trouble following along, you can request one-on-one time with your instructor to overcome the challenges you face.

On the other hand, some students thrive best when working with a personal Syracuse CPA Exam tutor. A private instructor can create a customized learning plan that addresses solely the areas of the test in which you have the most room for development. Your mentor can test out different ways to explain the material until they find something that works for your preferences. They can even incorporate unique materials that are geared toward your learning personality, whether you're a kinesthetic, aural, or visual learner.

How can I get set up with Syracuse CPA Exam preparation?

When it comes to preparing for such an important exam, don't hesitate to reach out for the assistance you need to build your confidence for the CPA Exam. Varsity Tutors can help you enroll in an online course or connect with a personal instructor that can accommodate your schedule. New Syracuse CPA Exam prep course sections begin every month. You can sign up for afternoon, evening, or weekend courses in two- or four-week sessions. If you prefer to study with a private mentor, you can arrange to meet with them online via our virtual classroom. Alternatively, you can arrange in-person sessions at a location of your choosing, such as the cafeteria at Syracuse University or anywhere else you like. Contact our educational consultants today.

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