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If you are a network or system administrator and you want to expand your career opportunities or attempt to command a higher salary, Varsity Tutors can enroll you in the Minneapolis CCNP certification training that can help you reach for your career goals. The Cisco Certified Network Professional or CCNP certification is intended for full-time network and system administrators and those who regularly work with local and/or wide-area network (or LAN/WAN) infrastructure. The CCNP certification is the professional-level in the Cisco Certification program which essentially makes it the level beyond the Cisco Certification Network Associate or CCNA certification. Those who achieve this level of certification are recognized as having advanced networking knowledge and skills.

There are a total of seven CCNP certifications, all of which require you to have obtained any CCIE certification or the related CCNA certification. For example, if you are working towards the CCNP Data Center certification, you would need a valid CCNA Data Center certification as a prerequisite. You will also need to complete the exams that are required for your chosen certification. All the certifications require you to pass three or four tests depending on the certification. If you are pursuing the CCNP Data Center certification, you have the option of taking either the 300-160 DCID or the 300-180 DCIT exam along with the 300-175 DCUCI, the 300-165 DCII, and the 300-170 DCVAI tests.

The prerequisites of the CCNP certification exams mean that you should have plenty of experience as a network or system administrator as well as with Cisco's certification tests, but you can still benefit from enrolling in a Minneapolis CCNP certification course. First of all, the course itself is overseen by a qualified and experienced instructor who leads you and your fellow students in discussions and learning activities that can help you get a better handle on the course material. These instructors are thoroughly vetted and are familiar with the material and the certification exams so can give you a better idea of what you can expect and even provide some one-on-one help if you ever feel like you need it. You can also have the opportunity to collaborate with your fellow students, all of whom are studying for their own certification tests. This kind of collaborative learning can not only help students of all ability levels better understand a course's material, but it can sometimes introduce you to concepts and topics that might not regularly come up for you on the job.

Another major benefit of enrolling in a Minneapolis CCNP certification class is that it is often more flexible than most classes you would take on a college campus or elsewhere. You have the option of choosing between a two-week or a four-week class, and new sections open up every month. You should be able to find a section that fits into your busy schedule, no matter what kind of conflicts you might have. It also helps that these classes are all online which removes the need to commute to a physical classroom. As long as you have a reliable computer and a strong internet connection, you can log into the virtual classroom from home, the Walker Library, or wherever you like to study.

Preparing for a CCNP certification exam can be difficult, but Varsity Tutors can enroll you in the Minneapolis CCNP certification training that can help you make the most of your study time. For more information about these CCNP certification classes or to find out how to get started with one yourself, contact Varsity Tutors today. We will be happy to answer any questions that you might have.

CCNP Certifications

  • CCNP Cloud
  • CCNP Collaboration
  • CCNP Data Center
  • CCNP Routing and Switching
  • CCNP Security
  • CCNP Service Provider
  • CCNP Wireless

Contact us today to connect with a top Minneapolis CCNP - Cisco Certified Network Professional instructor