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Award-Winning SHRM - Society for Human Resource Management Certification Training in Austin, TX

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If you are interested in enrolling in an Austin SHRM certification course, consider reaching out to Varsity Tutors to get set up with expert-led instruction that can provide an in-depth review of this certification test. The Society for Human Resource Management, or SHRM, certification is a professional certificate that could give your reputation a boost. There are many benefits you might enjoy by completing the SHRM, whether you take the Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) or the Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP). For instance, you could use it to showcase your value to organizations, negotiate a pay raise, or otherwise benefit your career. There are many topics covered on either form of this exam. Luckily, you can take part in an Austin SHRM certification training course that can support you as you go after your goals.

There are some requirements that you must meet before you can tackle the 160 multiple-choice questions covered on these four-hour exams. If you are an HR professional who is in an operational role, you can take the SHRM-CP if you meet the following requirements: a secondary degree and three years of work experience; a master's degree and a current HR position; or a bachelor's degree and a year of experience. However, if you aspire to a senior-level strategic HR role, you might want to take the SHRM-SCP. If so, you must meet the following requirements: a secondary degree and six years of experience; four years of experience and a bachelor's degree; or three years of experience and a master's degree. Whether you're currently working toward a bachelor's degree or you've completed your master's degree, an online SHRM class can give you a wide range of advantages.

One of the key advantages of taking an Austin SHRM certification class is the sheer convenience you can enjoy in each session. When you sign up for a class, you never have to worry about traveling to a physical classroom. Just log on to our Live Learning Platform to attend lively, interactive lessons led by your expert Austin SHRM certification training instructor. Each month, new class sections start at several different times of the day to ensure that anyone can find something that works for them. You can see, hear, and speak to your teacher and classmates, allowing you to participate in activities and communicate freely.

An Austin SHRM certification course can dive deep into the exam. Your instructor can cover concepts from the best HR practices to manage a diverse workforce to cultural norms and values. Your instructor can lead lectures that focus on different ways to approach questions depending on if they are knowledge-centered or more focused on situational judgment skills. Plus, your Austin SHRM certification training teacher can demonstrate test-taking strategies that can help you remain calm as you work through the problems on the exam. For example, they might provide activities that are designed to build your time management skills or split your classmates into groups to respond to realistic work-related scenarios to develop a strategy together. If you have any trouble following along with your peers, you can ask your instructor to work with you one-on-one to get past the obstacle.

With these and other invaluable benefits, you can rely on your Austin SHRM certification training instructor to provide comprehensive and accurate sessions throughout each meeting. You worked hard to complete your degree program at institutions such as the University of Texas – Austin and Saint Edward's University. Enrolling in an online Austin SHRM certification class can give you the opportunity to participate in in-depth study sessions alongside your peers. Reach out to Varsity Tutors' educational consultants to get started.

SHRM Certifications

  • SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP)
  • SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP)

Contact us today to connect with a top Austin SHRM - Society for Human Resource Management instructor