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A photo of Janani, a tutor from Nova Southeastern University


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I graduated Nova Southeastern University with a Bachelor's of Science in Neuroscience and Biology. I'm currently enrolled in medical school at Eastern Virginia Medical School, where I've grown to love anesthesia! I participate in the student run clinic, HOPES, to give back to the underprivileged population in the Virginia Beach community. I love tutoring and have been since I was in high school. Tutoring SAT/ACT is the most fun, in my opinion, because of the great strides I get to witness my students make in their test scores.

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Janani’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Nova Southeastern University - Bachelor of Science, Neuroscience


I love animals, especially my cat, Mochi. She truly is the most fun cat in the world! I love playing with her and she keeps me entertained for hours on end. I also love going to pilates classes with my friends. Reading romance novels and watching horror movies are also some of my favorite pastimes. I love to paint and knit, it's a recent hobby, but I love getting crafty.

Tutoring Subjects

ACT Aspire

ACT Writing




Cell Biology


Chemistry 2

College and University Admissions

College Application Essays

College English

Elementary School English

Elementary School Reading


English Grammar and Syntax


General Chemistry 2

Grade 12 Chemistry

High School English

High School Science


Human Development

IB Biology

IB Chemistry


Middle School English

Middle School Science

Molecular Biology

Molecular Genetics



Nuclear Chemistry


Organic Chemistry 2



Physical Science


SAT Subject Test in Latin

SAT Subject Test in Physics

SAT Subject Tests Prep


Science Olympiad

Spelling Bee

Test Prep


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