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A photo of Anamarie, a tutor from Saint Johns University


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Everyone is created differently and has been given a special purpose by their Creator. Therefore, everyone has a different way of learning. Growing up in a military household, I was homeschooled most of my life. My father's teaching and auditory learning style was not what I needed in order to learn. I quickly learned that I was a visual learner. I needed information to be broken down, many times with the help of pictures, in order for me to comprehend the information. Once I entered college, my visual learning skills would benefit me greatly while earning my Associate of Arts and my Bachelor's in Biomedical Sciences degree. I could take the information and explain it in its most basic form so that everyone could understand. I was recruited as a student tutor for Anatomy & Physiology my first semester of college. I started tutoring the following semester and fell in love with explaining educational material to students. I loved seeing the excitement in the student's eyes when the information finally made sense. I would eventually expand and tutor Spanish, English, and help with Biology as well. Being a tutor challenged me to be able to explain one concept in many different ways for the betterment of the student. My tutoring style is flexible and tailored to what is best for the student. For example, I have had students that prefer videos to help explain concepts while others prefer acronyms to remember the information. I am not afraid to try new teaching styles if it means that the student will be able to learn the material better.

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Anamarie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Saint Johns University - Associate in Arts, Arts, General

Undergraduate Degree: Florida State College at Jacksonville - Bachelor of Science, Biomedical Sciences


My hobbies and interest are in baking, cooking, history, sewing, crocheting, singing, horseback riding, and in writing poetry. I am a self-published author of “Prayers and Poems from the Heart".

Tutoring Subjects


Cell Biology

Conversational Spanish

Elementary School Reading






Spanish 1

Spanish 2

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