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Robert Noel

Certified Tutor

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I am an easy going tutor and have a light and "fluffy" approach to instruction. I remember the stress and anxiety of being in the classroom, so it is important for me to create an environment that the student will feel safe in. I graduated with a degree in Art, focusing on art history, and a degree in Arts and Technology, focusing on video game design and story telling. I worked in the mechanical engineering, video game, and education technology fields while working on technology such as 3D printing, virtual reality, and interactive educational software. For the last 8 years I helped students complete homework and prepare for tests so they could move to the next grade level or graduate high school. I also led a team to see how we could integrate virtual and augmented reality into the classroom for a more immersive and distraction free environment while helping students with learning disabilities and anxiety.

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Robert Noel’s Qualifications


I have a wide range of hobbies that include: 1. Playing video games 2. Designing video games 3. Listening to music 4. Creating music 5. Website design and development 6. Reading 7. Writing 8. Cooking 9. Lifting weights 10. Studying art history 11. Studying history 12. Studying Science 13. Studying Physics 14. 3D Printing 15. Video production 16. Photography 17. Playing board games 18. Reading Comic books

Tutoring Subjects

A Beginner's Guide: Excel

Art History


Elementary School

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary Social Studies






PC Basic Computer Skills





Social Studies

Technical Certifications

Technology and Coding

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