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A photo of Daniella, a tutor from Chamberlain College of Nursing-Illinois


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I am a lifelong learner with a passion for helping others to reach their potential. Being a nurse for the past 16 years, I have found joy in a lot of patient education, new hire training, and in-services for my colleagues!

My joy of nursing and learning has developed with the unexpected gift of content breakdown. I found that I didn't study the way my peers did, but I was able to achieve high scores and test out of courses.

My unique perspective regarding how our brains learn comes from addressing my patients' learning needs and my own educational journey . I've dedicated my life to the service of others, and I have a passion for sharing the gifts I've been given to overcome my educational struggles.

At first, I started tutoring because I was able to apply my study skills to course content, and it felt great. Now, guiding others to their own success is a labor of love. Not only do I have unique and highly effective study skills, but I'm also sensitive to the needs of students with language barriers, cognitive considerations, difficulty with executive functioning, test anxiety, and so much more.

Just like every door will open with the right key, so will an eager mind with the right tools. My journey is proof of that.

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Daniella’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Chamberlain College of Nursing-Illinois - Bachelor of Science, Nursing (RN)


Golf, snowboarding, science, dancing, and horror movies!

Tutoring Subjects

Academic Coaching

ACT Writing


Adult Health and Wellness

Adult Literacy

Anatomy & Physiology

AP Biology


Cell Biology



CLEP Biology

CLEP Human Growth and Development

CLEP Introductory Psychology

College Biology

Elementary School Science




GED Prep

GED Science

Grade 12 Chemistry

HESI - Health Education Systems Incorporated Prep

High School Biology

Honors Biology



Middle School Science




Presentation Skills




Social Sciences

Strategic Comprehension Class

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


Test Prep

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