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A photo of John, a tutor from Grinnell College


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An experienced (3+ year) tutor with a 99th percentile LSAT score, I utilize a practice-forward approach to instruction; I believe that the top-heavy approaches taken by large companies and given in group classes overburden students with strategies and bring needless complexity to an already complex test. My approach, instead, is guided feedback tailored to a student's weaker points based on 1-on1 assessment. Rather than sit and listen to me lecture for 2 hours, the students will drill problem sets under my supervision and receive explanations and mini lessons after each attempt. I've found this approach both highly gratifying to my students and highly efficient from a scoring perspective.

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John’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Grinnell College - Bachelor in Arts, Philosophy


Reading, mostly. I also enjoy LSAT problems (actually), bouldering, camping, playing board games and swimming.

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