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A photo of Fadzai, a tutor from Yale University


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I am a graduate of Yale University. I received my Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on 3D Mechanical Design. During my time there, I was exposed to the many inequities that exist in accessing resources in STEM and since then I've been passionate about breaking down any barriers to entry. I've worked as an Engineering teacher, exposing students to Robotics, Engineering Design as well as Architectural design through platforms such as VEX, Roblox, Onshape, Autodesk Inventor and Autodesk Revit. As a mechanical engineer, I love to do anything that's hands on, innovative and challenges and improves my own skills. STEM is meant to be fun!

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Fadzai’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Yale University - Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering


Interior Design, Software Automation, Weight Lifting

Tutoring Subjects

Civil Engineering

College Physics

Computer Architecture

Computer Programming


High School Physics

Mechanical Engineering




Software Engineering

Technology and Coding

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