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A photo of Taylor, a tutor from Southeastern University


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I'm a student just like you. I finally accomplished my goal of graduating with a Bachelor's Degree at the University of Central Florida. Just because my days in the classroom are over doesn't mean I'm done with learning.

I see myself as a student just like yourself, eager to teach and hungry to learn. I love to read write and tell stories, after all, I'm a storyteller... a filmmaker.

As a kid I grew up playing soccer and making videos in my spare time. I still do these things and believe you're never too old to be a child at heart

I believe that with a good attitude and a passionate mindset, anybody who is willing, can be the best at what they do. If that's your goal, then I want to help you achieve your dreams.

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Taylor’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Southeastern University - Associate in Arts, Film Production

Undergraduate Degree: University of Central Florida - Bachelor of Fine Arts, Film Production


I love to watch films and write a lot in my spare time. I'm very interested in editing and find myself on Adobe Premiere Pro editing videos weekly. I love music and traveling to local art exhibits.

Tutoring Subjects

AP Art History


Elementary School


Fiction Writing




Performing Arts

Social Studies


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