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Brendan Daniel

Certified Tutor

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Lessons are tailored to your needs and are not simply filled with reading the book back to you. I firmly believe in bringing the practical application of subjects to education. What you are learning isn't all theory, after all. I'll have accomplished my job if I can be a foundational block to getting you closer to your goal.

I graduated with a degree in Psychology and a minor in Economics. Since graduation, I worked in asset management as a portfolio manager while pursuing my CFA, and recently founded my own firm. Currently, I am a level 3 CFA candidate and portfolio manager for my digital asset hedge fund. I focus on the fund's DeFi investment strategy, blockchain research, and protocol risk management.

For students, (and interns), I have taught solidity, python, CFA level 1 and 2 material, Series 7, 63, and 65. I have also taught financial modeling, smart contract development, data analysis, and machine learning model development in python.
(CFA material includes micro/macro economics, financial statement analysis, equity/fixed income valuation, derivatives, portfolio management and theory, alternative investments, and quantitative methods).

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Brendan Daniel’s Qualifications


Derivatives trading, crypto and digital assets, blockchain development, Capital Markets, golf, video games

Tutoring Subjects


Professional Certifications

Series 63

Series 65

Series 7


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