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A photo of Maria, a tutor from University of Florida


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I graduated from Douglas Anderson School of the Arts high school in June 2021 with four (4) years of math tutoring experience. I am a spring 2022 student at the University of Florida Innovation Academy and plan to major in Computer Science/Business. I am taking online classes fall 2021 with UF but my schedule is very flexible. I love music production, archery, video games and making music and hanging out with my friends. I love helping students out by tutoring them in whatever they need help with, and I get this great feeling when I see that a student is getting better.

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Maria’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Florida - Bachelor of Science, Computer Science


I love music production, archery, and video games. I also love composing, doing gigs, and hanging out with my musician buddies. If I'm not doing any of those, I'm doing my online classes or tutoring!

Tutoring Subjects


AP Music Theory

Arrangement and Composition


Audio Engineering

Creative Writing


Fine Arts

Logic Pro Software


Middle School Math


Music Recording

Music Theory



Presentation Skills

Pro Tools Software




Technology and Coding


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