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A photo of Yashvardhan Rathi, a tutor from University of Mumbai

Yashvardhan Rathi

Certified Tutor

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I love playing chess and teaching chess. I love everything about it. It's a mental battle of strategy and for me, it's way, way more than just a board game. I have been playing Chess since 2007 and I have learned from the best coaches in India. My peak rating is 1759 FIDE / 1892 USCF. I'm working on getting breaking walls in both formats and at the same time help others achieve their Chess goals as well. We all have been in a situation when we know we are winning a game but we somehow mess it up. If you join me it won't happen again. I will teach you how to Win A Won game.

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Yashvardhan Rathi’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Mumbai - Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering Technology

Graduate Degree: The University of Texas at Dallas - Master of Science, Management Information Systems

Test Scores

GRE: 309


Chess, Soccer, Swimming, Hiking, Backpacking, Camping, Exploring, Reading, Piano, Music

Tutoring Subjects


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