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A photo of Megan, a tutor from Eastern Connecticut State University


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I am a graduate of Eastern CT State University where I received my bachelors degree in Math. After Eastern I went to Grand Canyon University where I got my masters in Secondary Education. I have worked in schools for the past 6 years ranging from Elementary schools all the way up to High School. I love teaching math and have done so for the past 2 years, I especially love Algebra, there is no better feeling as a teacher and tutor than seeing the look on your students face when they understand something for the first time, that is why I love my job so much! Even though I know math is a difficult subject for most students, I believe that anybody can learn it with a little hard work and patience.

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Megan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Eastern Connecticut State University - Bachelor of Science, Mathematics

Graduate Degree: Grand Canyon University - Masters in Education, Education


In my spare time I love to play basketball, hang outside with my puppies and travel. I have been to numerous different countries and islands both with my husband and family.

Tutoring Subjects

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