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A photo of Hannah, a tutor from Providence College


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I am a sophomore chemistry major at Providence College! I attended high school at Cardinal Spellman High School in Brockton, Massachusetts where I graduated in 2019 being 7th in my class. While in high school, I tutored for AP Calculus as historian of National Honor Society. I also have lots of experience working with children aged 1-12 through babysitting and camp counseling jobs! As a very organized and serious student, I am very committed to my education as well as yours! I don't have one teaching or learning style, but like to incorporate many to see what works best! Being a student is a very time consuming and difficult thing, but by using your resources and adapting critical thinking skills, nothing is impossible, especially when you work together!

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Hannah’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Providence College - Bachelor of Science, Chemistry


My interests within educational regards are chemistry, math and psychology. In high school, I loved European history as well, and was lucky enough to learn to love writing after having some amazing teachers. Outside of academics, I am treasurer of Active Minds, a club dedicated to de-stigmatizing mental health. I am also a peer minister (which I love because it is so fun to meet new people!) and have a radio show on campus! I also have two adorable dogs, one of which is a trained therapy dog!

Tutoring Subjects


Essay Editing

High School Writing


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