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A photo of Carmen Rosa, a tutor from ISPLE

Carmen Rosa

Certified Tutor

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I am really passioned at helping students because I am a teacher, and this is what teachers do. We teach and help people.
I have been working with students for more than 25 years. And I love when they can achieve their goals, realizing they are smarter; feeling they are stronger, having more self-esteem and because of this, improving their grades.
I studied in Havana, Cuba. I had a teacher- training course in English for five years, at the High Pedagogic Institute of Foreign Language.
My first job after graduation was teaching at the High Pedagogic Institute in Villa Clara, a city located in the central part of Cuba. I used to prepare students who were having a teaching- training course in ESL. After my migration to the USA , I was given the Bachelor Degree in Teaching ESL and Spanish.
I have been tutoring and teaching both subjects since that time, but I have also been tutorng k-3 Math.
Spanish is my favorite subject to tutor because I was born in a spanish-speaking country, and I feel very confortable with it.
My teaching philosophy is based on a communicative approach for teaching languages and a functional approach for teaching Math. But, I think that the best tool for tutoring is to make students aware of their own inner lights to bright by themselves.

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Carmen Rosa’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: ISPLE - Bachelor of Education, Spanish Teacher Education

Graduate Degree: ISPLE - Certificate, Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL)


Photography Hiking Biking Music

Tutoring Subjects

Conversational Spanish





Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spanish 4

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