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A photo of Kiara, a tutor from SUNY Downstate Medical Center


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I earned my BSN from SUNY Downstate in NY and am currently working as an RN. I also have a Bachelors in Sociology and Psychology from Hunter College. I enjoy tutoring anatomy/physiology, pathophysiology, and NCLEX test prep. I remember being a nursing student and studying for the NCLEX like it was yesterday. I believe that learning and retention works best when we are supported and work as a team. That is why my goal is to help you identify problem areas that we can tackle together so that you can feel confident in yourself!

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Kiara’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: SUNY Downstate Medical Center - Bachelor of Science, Nursing (RN)


Poetry Hiking Health and Wellness

Tutoring Subjects



NCLEX-Registed Nurse

NCLEX-RN Prep Course




Professional Certifications

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