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A photo of Ethan, a tutor from California State University-Los Angeles


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I'm a high school math teacher. I hold a BA in pure mathematics and an MA in applied mathematics. I've been teaching for 10 years.

My aim is really to help lower the anxiety students feel while taking a math class. I ascribe to the philosophy of Mathematical Mindset, the belief that good math will cause people to struggle (a little) and that people's brains grow when they struggle. I want to show students that math is not something to fear or dislike. I don't believe in rote memorization of formulas - I teach to provide students with conceptual understanding so they see the "why" instead of just "how," they can see how math topics build on each other, and that they develop their number sense.

I love playing sports, particularly baseball, volleyball, tennis, basketball. I participate in the performing arts where I sing, dance, and act. I also play the piano (moderately well). One of my biggest passions is my love for table top board games and role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons.

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Ethan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: California State University-Los Angeles - Bachelor of Science, Mathematics

Graduate Degree: Claremont Graduate University - Master of Arts, Applied Mathematics


Lots!!! Sports: Volleyball, Baseball, Basketball Arts: Acting, dancing (tap, musical theater, hip-hop), singing Other: Dungeons & Dragons (and other table top RPGs), and board games

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2

CBEST - The California Basic Educational Skills Test

Discrete Math

Elementary School Math


IB Theory of Knowledge


Middle School Math



Professional Certifications

Social Sciences


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