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I am a lifelong learner of the Chinese language. I am passionate about this language, and I hope to pass my passion on to my students. I have various experiences that make me an excellent tutor. As a high school student at Riverdale Country School, I studied abroad in Beijing during my junior year through School Year Abroad (SYA). During my junior year of college, I studied in Shanghai through NYU Shanghai. I have also participated in the Middlebury College Chinese School twice at the highest level where I could only communicate in Chinese for eight weeks.

I have Chinese tutoring experiences through another organization similar to Varsity Tutors as well as by meeting with students with whom I have personal connections. I have achieved near-native fluency in Mandarin Chinese, and have taught my tutees various skills that I have learned to learn the language effectively.

Currently, I am studying to receive an English-teaching certificate at Columbia University while teaching English to Chinese immigrants in Chinatown using my Mandarin skills. Previously, I have held numerous positions in which I have used my Mandarin skills, including as a case manager at a community health center that serves Chinese immigrants in Flushing, Queens.

Learning Chinese can seem extremely difficult and almost impossible at some times. As a learner of the language for 12 years, I know exactly how to overcome these obstacles which I will be able to teach you.

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Benjamin’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: New York University - Bachelor of Science, Applied Psychology


Learning foreign languages (Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese); running, swimming, language exchanges, English Second Language teaching

Tutoring Subjects

AP Chinese Language and Culture

Conversational Mandarin


Mandarin Chinese

Mandarin Chinese 1

Mandarin Chinese 2

Mandarin Chinese 3

Mandarin Chinese 4

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