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A photo of Achyut, a tutor from University of Florida


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Hi, thank you for coming to my profile! I have completed my Bachelor's degree from the University of Florida in both Biology and Business Administration. I currently love to tutor all students in numerous Mathematics and Science subjects as I want to spark that same passion that I have for these subjects. I have significant mastery of mathematics including pre-calculus, algebra 1/2, trigonometry, geometry, statistics, finite math, college level algebra, business math, and quantitative reasoning, etc. I have significant experience in science subjects including biology, chemistry, physics, anatomy, organic chemistry, and biochemistry as well.

I love to help students use their logic and problem solving skills in order to advance their learning ability to a higher degree more efficiently. While learning how to apply these skills in real life situations using both math and science topics, respectively. I like to tailor lesson plans and study strategies to that particular student (as we are all unique) to ensure each student understands the concepts completely.

I also tutor in many areas of test prep including the SAT, ACT, GRE, and also provide additional services of WINDOWS/MAC/iphone tutoring as well.

I am here to help in the most efficient way possible, please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.

I love to help any and all students ranging from the inquisitive mind to a struggling student trying to achieve an A+ in class!

Thank you so much, and have a wonderful day!

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Achyut’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Florida - Bachelor of Science, Biology Teacher Education


Table Tennis, Basketball, Reading, Movies, Chess, Video Games, MMA, etc.

Tutoring Subjects


ACT Science


Algebra 2

Applied Mathematics



College Algebra

College Business

College Math

Competition Math

Cyber Security

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


FCAT 2.0 Prep

Finite Mathematics


Graduate Test Prep

GRE Subject Test in Mathematics

GRE Subject Tests

High School Accounting

High School Business

High School English

High School Physics

IB Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches


ISEE-Lower Level Mathematics Achievement

ISEE-Middle Level Mathematics Achievement

ISEE-Upper Level Mathematics Achievement


Medical Terminology


Microsoft Office

Middle School Math


PCAT Quantitative Ability




SAT Prep

SAT Math

SAT Subject Test in Mathematics Level 1

SAT Subject Test in Mathematics Level 2

SAT Subject Tests Prep


Special Education

Spelling Bee

Technology and Coding


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