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A photo of Eva, a tutor from Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus


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I got my undergraduate degree in political science in Nanjing University in China and psychology in Georgia Institute of Technology, master's degree in International Affairs in Georgia Institute of Technology. I have been tutoring K12 students math and language arts and GRE test preparation for 7 years. My favorite subject is the GRE test prep and Mandarin Chinese. My tutoring is based on student capabilities and tailored to their age differences. I like to read and listen to audio books, I love young children of different ages. Cooking and baking is my another hobby. Sometimes I enjoy to cook together with my children, or play video games like Minecraft with them. I love music of a large variety of genres, playing piano to relax myself. My class is usually filled with fun games with children and occasionally even their siblings join us to practice speaking Chinese, English or Russian.

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Eva’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus - Bachelor of Science, International Policy Analysis

Graduate Degree: Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus - Master of Science, International Relations

Test Scores

GRE: 320

GRE Quantitative: 160

GRE Verbal: 160


cooking, gaming, music

Tutoring Subjects

AP Chinese Language and Culture

Elementary School English

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing

Graduate Test Prep


GRE Quantitative

GRE Verbal

Mandarin Chinese

Mandarin Chinese 1

Mandarin Chinese 2

Mandarin Chinese 3

Mandarin Chinese 4

PSAT Critical Reading


SAT Reading

Test Prep


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