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A photo of Tim, a tutor from Oberlin College


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I have tutored students at the grade school, high school, and college levels for over ten years, helping them brainstorm topics for essays, craft theses, and revise first drafts.

I teach language arts because I want to help students develop a subtle and rigorous command of language. While information is available to us more quickly than ever before, the ability to interpret that information and distinguish between different qualities of content is only as strong as our ability to read well, and reading well has less to do with speed than with patience and focus.

Now more than ever young people need practice in slowing down and thinking critically about written texts. This discipline, essential both to democratic discourse and the negotiation of private choices in one's life, can be fostered in a language arts classroom and in private tutoring.

I want to help students comprehend the musical and connotative range of literary language, and to articulate their own interpretations and arguments in eloquent, well-considered prose.

I am able to help students with written assignments in any discipline -- history, philosophy, English, sociology, etc. -- that involves the composition of essays. I have also taught many creative writing workshops and have worked individually with students on creative fiction and poetry assignments.

I have also worked as a Spanish and German tutor, helped students prepare for the SATs, and helped students draft college application essays.

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Tim’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Oberlin College - Bachelor in Arts, Creative Writing

Graduate Degree: University of California-Santa Cruz - Doctor of Philosophy, General Literature


Guitar, hiking, camping, running, chess, films

Tutoring Subjects

Adult Literacy

American Literature

College English

College Level American Literature


English Grammar and Syntax


Essay Editing


German 1

Graduate Test Prep

GRE Analytical Writing

High School English

High School Level American Literature

High School Writing


Middle School Writing

Philosophical Ethics

Public Speaking

Social Sciences


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