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Help; Webster's dictionary defines it as making it easier for someone to do something by offering one's services or resources. Teaching; I would define it as making it easier for someone to do something by offering one's services or resources. In my opinion, these two terms are synonymous in that they have precisely the same outcome. Help is something that I always strive to do throughout my career. Thankfully, this is something that I have been able to do in many different capacities.

While I don't think I'm the smartest person, or that I'm the most gifted, one thing I am exceptional at is seeing patterns. This has allowed me to assimilate teaching styles and methods from others and use them as my own. It has allowed me to look at other leaders in the school and pull from different leadership qualities and traits. It is from the people around me and the people that have guided me that I owe my steep career trajectory to.

Simply put, I just aim to help. When I teach, I feel as though I am helping people (students) understand and make sense of this world; Almost as if I'm igniting a flame, the flame of constant curiosity. When I am acting in a leadership capacity, I feel like I am helping the people (teammates) become better at their craft; On the never-ending path to improvement.

My skill sets come directly from the different environments that I have been exposed to. From the low-income, poverty-stricken families in the west, to affluent, prosperous families in the east. I have taught groups of children from all walks of life, which allows me to relate to a wider scope of students than most people can. I have learned different management styles and taken advice from people that are from across the globe. This dichotomy of students and educators that I have been exposed to over the years has given me the knowledge and confidence to truly connect with people, to truly help people. I believe this connection is the key to unlocking the door of a child's intellect. This connection allows me to provide the platform of success for my educator team members.

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Stephen’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: American International College - Bachelor of Education, Elementary School Teaching

Graduate Degree: American International College - Masters in Education, Middle School Teaching


Traveling, exercising, Playing basketball, Reading

Tutoring Subjects


Elementary School

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax


Essay Editing

High School Writing


Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing



Public Speaking


Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Test Prep



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