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A photo of Ayesha, a tutor from New York University


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Ms. Edwards earned both her B.A. in Journalism and M.A. in Educational Psychology from New York University. She began her career in Education as a tutor with the City University of New York and later became a Teaching Assistant and Instructor there. Her strong desire to be a part of influencing change at the childhood level propelled her to become a teacher with the New York City Department of Education where she served 10 years as a teacher. During this time, she obtained a Post-Graduate Certificate in Research Methods from the University of Surrey as well her School Building Leader and School District Leader Certificates from the College of Saint Rose.

Ms. Edwards firmly believes that every child has the potential to flourish in an environment that promotes academic success simultaneously with character development. She is unwaveringly committed to being a part of the national change that is necessary to boost students??? growth while understanding the importance of parents??? self-efficacy and teachers??? development as well. Her vision is to see all scholars positively contribute to humanity and develop a deeper appreciation for global awareness as they move forward in this advancing technological world.

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Ayesha’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: New York University - Bachelor in Arts, Journalism

Graduate Degree: New York University - Master of Arts, Educational Psychology


Travel, go to theme parks, listen to music, dance

Tutoring Subjects


Elementary School

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing




Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing

NYSTCE - New York State Teacher Certification Examinations



PRAXIS Counseling

Professional Certifications

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

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