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A photo of Marie, a tutor from Baylor University


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A teacher's role is to impart knowledge, however along the way it gets lost in translation. I want to be that translator, to fill in those missing gaps so that everyone is not hindered in any way. My childhood overseas meant that I started out with a traditional Chinese education, before switching to the British curriculum and then finally ending in American. I often tutored my peers and others younger than me at all stages, proving that I can adjust to multiple teaching styles and approaches. I have a deep passion for the sciences, and I hope that you will come to know and share my love for them through learning and understanding.

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Marie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Baylor University - Bachelor of Science, Biology, General


Tennis, Painting, Hiking, Reading

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2




Essay Editing


High School Biology

High School Chemistry

High School Writing


Microsoft Office

Middle School Math

Middle School Science

Middle School Writing



Technology and Coding

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