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A photo of Nishant, a tutor from University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus


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Come to me with a specific question you have in a subject, a more general or overarching problem you're experiencing in a class, or the will to get ahead in a class, and I promise you that together we will achieve your goals.

Out of all the tutors out there, why should you pick me? Well, for the past five years, I have been a tutor in a wide range of capacities delivering my services to an even broader range of students. The experience I hold not only as a tutor but also as a regenerative-medicine lab member help to me take a problem and rip it apart until I find my solution. I will not only help you resolve any problem you are facing, but also provide you the skills so you can resolve all similar issues in the future on your own. I am not like other tutors. I will use common ground to help make our step-by-step process relatable, and from there I'll use examples, similar problems, analogies, and repetition to make sure that you can tutor other students in the specified problem-area.

I look forward to meeting and working with you. ~Nish

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Nishant’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus - Bachelor of Science, Neuroscience

Test Scores

ACT Composite: 33

ACT English: 34

ACT Math: 35

ACT Science: 35


Working out, Recreational Sports with friends, Movies, TV (The Office, Parks and Recreation, House of Cards, Suits, 13 Reasons Why), Filming short movies for Film Festivals, Food :)

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